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The new Maintenance Mode optimizes fleet reliability

In the world of electromobility, a reliable and efficient charging infrastructure is the key to smooth operations. To further optimize the efficiency of your bus operation, we are constantly developing our Charge Management System. Therefore, we would like to introduce the Maintenance Mode in MOBILEcharge. This function was specially developed to ensure the technical operation of the charging infrastructure even during necessary maintenance work without hindering operations.

How the Maintenance Mode works
The new Maintenance Mode increases the control over your charging infrastructure. It can be activated manually or time-controlled to put a charging station into maintenance mode. While a charging station is in Maintenance Mode, it remains connected to the system but is temporarily removed from planning and use. This is particularly beneficial when maintenance work needs to be carried out on a charging station, as it temporarily removes the charging stations from charge management control without affecting the rest of the infrastructure.

Maintenance work on a charging station

Benefits of the Maintenance Mode
The implementation of the Maintenance Mode in MOBILEcharge brings a number of benefits that are directly tailored to the needs and requirements of our customers:

1. Reliability
By allowing maintenance work to be carried out without disrupting operations, the Maintenance Mode guarantees the reliable technical operation of the charging infrastructure.

2. Operational continuity
The smooth running of operations is not affected by the temporary removal of charging stations from the scheme. This ensures that operations continue seamlessly even during maintenance work.

3. Predictability of unavailability
The unavailability of charging points becomes predictable and therefore plannable. This makes it easier to reschedule and optimize available resources.

4. Efficiency
By making charging station outages plannable, the Maintenance Mode enables efficient distribution of charging capacity across the available charging stations, similar to the preparation and rescheduling of a vehicle fleet.

Charging station is temporarily excluded

The Maintenance Mode not only ensures a more reliable charging infrastructure, but also optimized resource utilization and operational continuity. For more information about this and other functionalities in the Charge Management System MOBILEcharge, visit our website or contact our team.

About Public Transport

In cooperation with INIT, the world’s leading provider of integrated IT solutions for public transportation, we have developed solutions aimed at giving you a better overview of your bus fleet. Use the data from your vehicles and charging stations to your advantage.

Leandro Campo

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