VDV 463 makes charge planning easy
The right interface determines your daily routine
You don’t have time to plan and keep track of every charging process and every preconditioning request individually? Do you think it’s too time-consuming to constantly check the charge status of your buses? You are afraid that a bus will not make its tour with its current charge? Then VDV 463 might be just the solution you’re looking for, because it is a decisive interface to remove the stress around your daily operations.
The challenge with public transport becoming increasingly electric-powered lies with overall systems that enable comprehensive data exchange. Communication between the vehicle and the charging station (ISO 15118) and between the charging station and the Charge Management System (OCPP) has already been standardized, but there has not been a uniform format for the Charge Management System and the cross-modal pre-system. With a well-defined standard for communication, companies no longer have to develop their own solutions, which have long integration times and involve a lot of effort. This is exactly what VDV 463 is about: an interface between the Charge Management System and the Pre-Systems such as the Intermodal Transport Control System (ITCS) or the Depot Management System (BMS).

Functionality and application
The above mentioned systems using this interface acquire up-to-date data, which is continuously exchanged between the systems in both directions. The interface has been developed for three different use cases.
- Manage circulation and provide loading request from ITCS and BMS to Charge Management System: new request or charge request
- Control loading process and transfer information about loading processes from Charge Management System to ITCS
- Implement preconditioning request from Pre-System in Charge Management System and return current status
Your main advantages
- Flexibility – open interface and thus no vendor lock-in
- Ensure compatibility and thus simplify processes considerably
Click here for VDV 463:
MOBILEcharge in use:
You can get to know our proven and widely used Charge Management System MOBILEcharge here:
In cooperation with INIT, the world’s leading provider of integrated IT solutions for public transportation, we have developed solutions aimed at giving you a better overview of your bus fleet. Use the data from your vehicles and charging stations to your advantage.