New Function of Flea 3: Position Based Triggering
The new year 2019 starts with a new innovation for Flea 3: With our new GeoFenceMonitor (GFM) it is now possible to generate position-based triggers.

The application possibilities of the GeoFenceMonitor are limitless.
Geographic triggering allows our customers flexibility
in their test drive trials.
Sandro Anders, Embedded Systems
The principle is simple: With the GeoFenceMonitor, a GeoFence is created which consists of GPS coordinates and a surrounding radius, marking a local area.
If the test vehicle with the built-in Flea 3 now crosses one of these GeoFences, the action is executed, depending on the configuration, either when entering or leaving the area or in both cases.
The action is defined as the sending of one or more preconfigured CAN/UDP messages. Sending can be either one-time or cyclic.
For instances, to mention a simple application example, an intersection GeoFence could be defined, where one is informed as soon as a test vehicle approaches or leaves the intersection area.
Your profit in location-based triggering is the geographical monitoring of your fleet. Thus, you can include local conditions in the test series and analyze the location-specific behavior of components of your vehicles (e.g. lidar/radar sensors).
There is also additional benefit in combination with our WebCAM function.
The possibility to define several GeoFences of different sizes and to combine them with actions as desired provides a lot of flexibility regarding your field of application.
A function that offers many new possibilities.